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Legal Journalism in India

08/11/2022 | objavio Radio Gradačac

To become a legal journalist, you must earn a law degree from a BCI-accredited college. National Law Universities (NLU), Symbiosis Law School (SLS), Jindal Global Law School, Delhi University, ILS Law College, etc. are some of the most popular law schools in India. The courses you should take to become a legal journalist must come from the legal and journalistic streams. You must have a law degree from a recognized university at least at the bachelor`s level. In addition, it is important that you also have journalistic knowledge. For this, you can take a diploma or certificate course in journalism. The eligibility criteria for the profession of legal journalist are listed below. All candidates who do not know how to become a legal journalist will find the answer to their questions here. Legal journalists are employed in the media, both print and print. News agencies, magazines, digital content agencies, news channels and law firms are among the main areas of employment for legal journalists. We will discuss the guidelines of various tribunals on the accreditation of these journalists` statement reports for certain types of court reporters. Most media reports about the trials are episodic.

This module introduces students to writing corporate stories about court cases and legal issues. Such stories help readers and viewers understand the often complex topics involved or highlighted by episodic stories. We will also discuss the issues in live tweets from the courtrooms. ELIGIBILITY: Students, journalists and professionals, as well as anyone interested in legal reporting, using legal provisions in reporting/reporting, legal journalism or the social and developmental implications of legal issues Press freedom in India is legally protected by the amendment to the Indian Constitution,[1] while sovereignty, National integrity and moral principles in general are protected by the Indian Constitution Rights are protected in order to maintain a hybrid legal system for independent journalism. In India, media bias or misleading information is limited by some constitutional amendments outlined in the country`s constitution. Media-related crime is covered by the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which applies to all substantive aspects of criminal law. It is more than humility, a perception. It is truly our founding editor, Kian Ganz, who is the inspiring force behind this milestone in legal history, where I have had the privilege of being a part throughout the years of growth. My job is to help Kian continue to operate and grow editorially.

The journey was very, very unique and challenging, even though it`s like I haven`t even started scratching the tip of the iceberg of the immense impact this vehicle can cause in India. Legal journalists are people who do journalism on topics entirely related to law. Their task is to expertly report on all legal issues. Legal journalists resist the idea that law graduates can only work in law firms or start-ups. Legal journalism is one of the unconventional and extremely fascinating facets of the field of law, for which students don`t even need to study journalism. Legal journalists understand the legal issue in question and communicate it to the public through multiple platforms. It can be newspapers, blog posts, social media coverage, anything. You need to stay in touch with your audience and give them updates on legal issues that have arisen over a certain period of time. Today, many law graduates are considering careers as legal journalists.

Everyone in their law school has heard the phrase that “you can do anything with a law degree.” And it`s not just to say when they say it, they mean it. Lawyers have the option to choose their preferred profession from a variety of options. Law itself is a lucrative career choice. Someone with sufficient knowledge of legal education can land excellent jobs. However, after graduating with law degree, practicing law or in a corporate office isn`t the only option you have. A law graduate interested in journalism can enter the profession of legal journalist very easily. This aspect of journalism is about to become part of mainstream information processes. What both require is good communication, research skills.

The better the skills, the better your growth. Working as a journalist with a law degree is a great career choice. While the job of a journalist is to report on the crime committed, he is considered a sub-branch. For lawyers and journalists alike, the truth is necessary. Lawyers and journalists are the most powerful source available in the world. Legal education provides you with the qualities that are best suited for journalism. Being a lawyer or journalist is a similar aspect, because in each case you have to be very specific about the information and facts. A legal journalist can`t always expect a fancy salary like lawyers who work in law firms.

But it will also be an injustice to mention that once you have acquired the proper skills to be a legal journalist, there will be no income limit. Salary scales ultimately depend on employers` organisations. The advice is to follow your heart and work with a lot of passion for your chosen profession, success will follow your path! Referencing the best books for legal journalists can certainly give a boost to the personality of an aspiring who wants to make a career in the particular field. The following list mentions some great books for preparing legal journalism. Candidates can study them and improve their knowledge, skills and abilities. Many factors determine the salary of a legal journalist. Some crucial factors are the candidate`s qualifications, work experience, the city in which he works, the type of industry in which he will be hired, etc. The salary of a legal journalist is the same as that of a journalist. On average, the starting salary of a legal journalist working in a tier 1 city is Rs. 4-5 lakh per year.

As the experience grows, so does the salary of a legal journalist. If the candidate has reasonable work experience and is hired by a company or approved company, he/she may be able to get a flat rate of up to Rs. 12-14 lakh per year as starting salary. Some of the advantages offered to legal writers are that they have the creative freedom that is not granted to other law graduates who continue to practice law traditionally. The work of a legal journalist helps them to have a broader field of knowledge in this field.

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